Come on, sweetie. Mommy
needs to tuck you into bed. Put away Daddy’s power drill. I told you that you
couldn’t sleep with that.
Because it’s
weird. What happened to that teddy bear that Grandma bought you? Huh? Oh! You
lynched it from your ceiling fan? Um, okay. Remind
me to mention that to your therapist.
Because that’s the sort of thing your
therapist should know.
A bedtime story? I
don’t think so, sweetie. Because it’s late, and Mommy’s tired. Because your
older brother, Brad, took Daddy’s “special magazine” collection to school, and
Mommy had to consequently meet Brad’s principal.
Okay. Fine. I’ll tell
you a story, but then you have to go to sleep.
Let’s see . . . once upon a time . . . an evil princess took over the world. Because evil
people do that sort of thing. For attention, I suppose.
What sort of evil
things did this princess do? She, um, stole cars and made cartoons illegal.
Yes, that would be horrible. What
else? She . . . kidnapped a poor, defenseless dragon.
The dragon? Well,
his name was . . . let’s say Josh. He liked cartoons, so he held a press
conference against the evil princess.
What’s a press
conference? A press conference is when professional athletes publically apologize
for their behavior, or when an idiot announces a presidential run.
It’s also when
dragons discuss the evil deeds of spoiled princesses and what ought to be done
about them. Yes, the dragon did think
the princess’s parents ought to send her to Time Out. Yes, without a circular
saw to cuddle.
You really should stay
out of Daddy’s toolbox. Brad needs to stay out of Daddy’s nightstand, too.
Maybe Daddy and I ought to lock our door when we’re not home.
Right. The dragon
and the princess. Well, the princess locked the poor dragon, Josh, in a tall
tower to starve and die. The end.
Don’t look at me
like that! That’s the end. I pretty sure that is a complete story. The hero’s journey?
What are you talking about? Really? That’s what they teach at preschool now?
Seems they ought to stick to shapes and colors.
Construction? You
think preschools ought to teach children heavy construction? I’ll drop that
suggestion in their box.
Okay. Well, President
Betty White commanded the United States Marines to assassinate the princess and
save Josh the Dragon. She placed Captain, um, Captain Power Drill in charge of
the mission.
But Captain Drill
didn’t want to lead the mission because she had to return a six-pack of sweat
socks to Wal-Mart.
Because she didn’t
want the socks. Would the money she received from the returned socks cover the
cost of the gas she would spend to return them to Wal-Mart? Where do you
come up with these questions, sweetie?
President Betty
White begged Captain Drill for her service, though, so Drill finally agreed to
lead the mission and return her sweat socks at a later date.
However, Drill was
not very good at shooting her rifle . . . so she met with this little girl who knew
all about guns. The little girl trained Captain Drill to shoot so she could blow out the evil princess’s brains.
Yes, I suppose
that the military would consider it a red flag that Drill learned marksmanship
from a little girl. What did they do about it? They made Drill take a test, to
see if she was good enough to lead her mission.
Sweetie, stop
picking your nose.
The test? She had
to win a tennis match. Because it’s the military. Nothing they do makes sense.
Fortunately, the
little girl also worked as a tennis coach. Because she needed the extra money.
She was saving for college. To become a marine biologist. Because she loved
dolphins. All kinds of dolphins. Do you want me to finish this story or not?
Captain Drill
won her tennis match and led twenty soldiers
towards the princess’s lair, which was an old arcade.
An “arcade” is
where my generation played video games when we were kids. We didn’t play them
at home because we couldn’t. Yes, the outside world does smell funny, but we had no choice.
Drill and her
soldiers broke into the arcade, but the princess had a mini-gun that spat hundreds
of round per second at them.
Drill and her
comrades hid behind the Skee-Ball machines, but the princess’s mini-gun chewed
through the machines. Splinters congested the air. Sparks flew.
The princess ran
out of bullets, so she grabbed her grenade launcher. She fired at the decimated
Skee-Ball machines.
Captain Drill
remembered her tennis training, and she happened to have her racquet.
Far-fetched? I
don’t recall asking your opinion.
Drill used her racquet
to knock the grenade back at the princess. But the princess also had a tennis racquet, so she whacked
the grenade back at Drill.
What? The grenades
that shoot out of launchers aren’t shaped like balls? What are they shaped
like, then? Giant bullets? Sweetie, you don’t know what you’re talking about. You Google it. I have a story to finish.
Drill knocked the
grenade back at the princess a split second before it exploded and blasted the
princess to bloody bits. Her guts plastered the ceiling. Yes, it was “totally awesome.”
Drill and her
soldiers released the dragon, and President Betty White gave them a metal each.
Yes, the dragon also received a metal because he was a dragon, and dragons are
That’s the story,
sweetie. Now, go to sleep. Yes, you can sleep with Daddy’s power drill. Yes, I’ll
sign you up for tennis lessons. No, you cannot have a pet dragon. Because they
eat too much. No, your Play-doh spaghetti won’t feed it. Go to sleep.
Yes, I’m sure
someone cleaned the princess’s guts from the arcade’s ceiling. No, I don’t
think that person received fair compensation. Because janitors don’t
command good salaries. Because life’s unfair. Go to sleep.
Yes, you are my
princess. No, you’re not evil. Yes, you could
become evil if you put your mind to it. Yes, you could most definitely “eradicate the United States
military.” No, you can’t have a mini-gun. Because I said so. Go to sleep.
(Catch my movie reviews at and my novels, such as "Daughters of Darkwana" on Kindle. Thanks for reading!)
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